Can your IP address win you a piece of this multi-million dollar market?
Want to learn more about a great fire-and-forget way to earn money from home? There’s some research you have to see!
It was prepared mainly for the big businesses that will be paying you :)
Here’s a link to a public press release about the research, which covers the market for residential proxy services.
In this market, people like you share their IP addresses with big businesses. And this is shaping up to be a BIG market.
But first, a disclaimer:
This research report names names, but we won’t :)
Chainprox isn’t alone in the residential proxy market, but our operating model certainly stands apart.
Even so, we aren’t going to name names in this article.
That’s because the only place you can find this report online is on one company’s website. That raises some issues about intellectual property — i.e. who paid for the report and whose property it actually is — that we’d rather just skip.
Please download it if you’d like to check out all the details. It is pretty easy to find on the web — let us google it for you :)
But here’s a quick breakdown of the good, the bad, and the ugly things you should notice about it.
The good: the market for residential proxies is worth millions and getting bigger.
This report does a great job of breaking down all the reasons big businesses want residential proxies.
We’ve covered several of these already in previous articles we’ve written. Ad verification, pricing intelligence, competitive research, etc.
And the report estimates that the market for the residential proxies serving these enterprise needs will be worth hundreds of millions of dollars over the next few years.
That’s great news if you’re a residential proxy provider who gets paid for letting enterprises use your IP addresses. Your piece of this huge pie looks delicious :)
The bad: the report doesn’t mention any Disintermediated Proxy Networks like Chainprox.
The researchers covered many traditional proxy middlemen — but not a Disintermediated Proxy Networks (DPN) like Chainprox.
To be fair, the idea of a DPN is quite new, even in a relatively young market like the one for residential proxies. So we can understand why they might not have wanted to specifically identify a startup company, for example, as a serious contender.
But even so…
The ugly: the report says it will address disruptive innovations and doesn’t.
The report specifically says that it will address any disruptions on the horizon and it doesn’t. At least not in a meaningful way.
We’re a bit biased, obviously, but the idea of paying IP providers fairly for participating in the network would be a no-brainer to include in the disruptive innovations section. We find it difficult to believe the analysts overlooked this one unintentionally.
Especially because that it can conceivably alter the size of the market by cutting the margins of middlemen.
Anyway… identified or not, this disruption is real and spells opportunity for you as an IP provider.
Make the most of it with Chainprox!